Sunday, January 09, 2005

Michael Ross

In reaction to the upcoming execution of Michael Ross, the Roman Catholic bishops in Connecticut are circulating a letter to be read in each of the parishes in their dioceses this weekend. The letter relates the Church's teachings on the death penalty and emphasizes that the Church teaches that Catholics must respect all human life, even that of murderers. The letter is also meant to encourage parishioners to sign an upcoming petition that calls on the state legislature to abolish the death penalty.

The attached article discusses the bishops' letters as well as religious reactions to the death penalty in general. There was one quote that stuck out to me in particular. It came from a Rev. Allie Perry regarding Michael Ross: "'These are horrific crimes. It's human to feel angry and to call for revenge and retaliation,' she said. 'But if retaliation and retribution is the basis of law, then we become that which we abhor.'" (emphasis added). I encourage you to read the article. As always I tried to provide a link to a page that does not require a login.

Catholics will be urged to oppose death penalty for Ross

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