Monday, August 02, 2004

James Hubbard

James Hubbard is scheduled to be executed by the State of Alabama on Thursday, August 5th. Hubbard is 74 years old and has been on death row for 25 years. He is one of the oldest awaiting execution in the nation. Hubbard's lawyers have asked an appeals court to block Hubbard's execution and have asked the Governor of Alabama to have mercy on their client. Hubbard suffers from several medical conditions including dementia. His lawyers contend that, in addition to his age and the length of time he's been awaiting execution, these conditions make him incompetent to be executed.

My problem with Hubbard's execution is less his age and more the time he has awaited execution. Now, granted, I am grateful that he's been allowed to live for 25 years. However, I think it is cruel and unusual punishment to force someone to sit on death row for a third of their lifespan only to then finally kill them when they are in their 70s. I have to admit, it appears as though perhaps Hubbard just finally became too much to care for. Is that skeptical of me? Perhaps. Why now, though? What has sparked the need to kill Hubbard now? What purpose does it serve? Isn't it punishment enough that he's sat in a prison cell alone for 25 years contemplating his own murder? Isn't it enough that he has had to sit and remember why he's there? That kind of mental anguish is cruel and unusual. What a catch 22. You can stay alive, but you have to be tortured mentally until you are in your 70s. Then, we'll decide we're ready to put you out of your misery.

Incidentally, there is a great quote from David Elliott in this article. David is the spokesperson for the Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty. He is also a reader of this Blog. If you get a moment, take a look at David's abolition Blog. You'll find it in my list of links to the right.

Pending Execution of 74 year old James Hubbard

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