Friday, June 18, 2004

Steven Oken - Maryland

Maryland executed Steven Oken at 9:18pm last night. See my below posts for more on Oken's appeals. I just don't have much to say on this one.

Triple murderer in Maryland executed


Anonymous said...

Hi CarrieJ -- great blog!

I think your blog is the first one ever launched specifically devoted to the death penalty. (I actually thought mine was until I stumbled across yours a few minutes ago!)

I just started mine earlier this month. If you get a chance, check out

We're going to link to you if you don't mind!



CarrieJ said...


Please do link to me. Also, please let me know if there is anything I can do to help the NCADP. I finally posted my email address (not sure why I didn't before), so feel free to email me.
